More people struggle with back pain than any other orthopaedic condition. Different people may have different pain patterns. That’s why we’ve developed specific programs that are very individualised for you here at Hallmark Physiotherapy.

1) Lower Back Pain

a) Mechanical Lower Back Pain

Acute low back pain is defined as activity intolerance due to lower back or back-related leg symptoms of less than 3 months duration. Chronic low back pain is defined as pain/injury lasting more than 3 months. Regardless of the cause or duration of mechanical low back pain, the result is likely to be damaged soft tissue(s) which can stimulate nerves and produce pain.

b) Lumbar Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canals. It involves the central canal, the hollow tube on the backside of the spine through which the spinal cord travels, and/or the transverse foramina, the canals from which the spinal nerves exit.

Narrowing of the spinal canals is usually an age-related process (called secondary stenosis). The vertebral discs lose their height (degenerate), the ligaments become stiff, and bone spurs may form. The combination of loss of disc height, hardening of the ligaments, and bone spur formation can cause stenosis. Because of mechanical compression and blood flow congestion, spinal stenosis can result in severe pain.

2) Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine. There may be one curve (‘C’ curve) present or two curves (‘S’ curve). Scoliosis is defined as a lateral curve of the spine greater than 10 degrees. 10 to 20 degrees of curvature is called mid scoliosis, 20 to 40 degrees is moderate scoliosis, and greater than 40 degrees of curvature is severe scoliosis. 

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